Pregnant barn cat *update* We have kittens!

wow great story
i wish i was in texas so i could get the black female for my wife

Congrats. I'vge been tied up since this morning getting my Mom home from the hospital and settled so I didn't check the forum until now. Looks like Jack did a great job. Muffin needed our reassurance too. I petted her and talked to her the whole time. We have one that keeps climbing out of the box and wandering around the room now,


Mine just nurse all day. =P Jack climbs out of the box a couple times a day and hides in a different corner. She needs "Mommy time". I can't imagine having babies attached to me 70% of their existence at this stage of life! I'm sure she's just as eager as I am to have them up and playing!
they don't like black kittens in TX?
they are sooooo soft : ))

It's hard to place any black animal around here. We got our puppy discounted, just because she was black and black animals don't sell well here. I guess because it's really hot here so black animals overheat more? I'm not really sure. Hopefully they will have their Mama's eyes. If so, they should be super easy to re-home.
Thank you. :) I can't wait until they get playful!

I'm not sure of that. Doug found one of Muffin's kittens in our bedroom this morning. It crawled nearly 50 ft. on its own.All the way across the kitchenb and living room. He has been out of the nest box every morning, but has not gone that far before.
His name is going to be Traveler.
I am missing all the fun.
I'm not sure of that. Doug found one of Muffin's kittens in our bedroom this morning. It crawled nearly 50 ft. on its own.All the way across the kitchenb and living room. He has been out of the nest box every morning, but has not gone that far before.
His name is going to be Traveler.
I am missing all the fun.

Aww. That's so cool.
Are you keeping all the kittens?
How old are they now? That seems really early for him to be crawling that far. Does Muffin mind that he goes so far?
Jack has a cow if you even look at her kittens when she's away from them. She doesn't get aggressive or anything, but she gets worried. We moved them into a bigger box that the lid fit on better. When we were swapping over the kittens, she acted like she wanted to take them out of our hands. She's really taken to this whole mother thing. :)

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