Pregnant Pot Belly Pig Question


11 Years
Jun 26, 2009
We have a year old pregnant pot belly pig. This will be her first litter and we do not know an exact breeding date. We have never had piglets before and was wondering if anybody could tell us if she looks close to farrowing or not. We had the vet out and she seemed to think she was close but still nothing. She has been much more active at night we have noticed, walking around and nesting and pawing but every morning no babies. Just in the past day she has been kind of crabby and pushy when we feed her. She has no milk that we can find. Have noticed udder development for awhile and her vulva seems to be getting longer and puffier starting about a week to 5 days ago. These pics were taken this morning( 9/15). Thanks so much for any info or opinions. We really appreciate it!!!

She sure looks close. That is one very pregnant pig. Post pictures after she farrows. Good luck.
I will be sure to post pics when they come. I keep thinking it will be tonight then in the morning when I go to feed, nothing just a hungry still pregnant piggy. I just dont know much about pigs and farrowing to know if it will be days, or a week, or weeks.
My PB sow is in about the same condition except mine is not showing in vulva swelling yet. I have bred mine to another breed of miniature pig, a Guinea hog. Best wishes for a successful farrowing!
I would say with in the next week.. Is she showing any signs of nesting at all? Ours (well not my males snipped so its been a few years since she had a litter) she would actually begin to build a nest of straw lol it was cute... and she usually would have them with in a week or less!!!

Just remember when the litter comes that her food dishes are put higher up so babies can't get into them a drown.. So her water dishes MUST BE UP! And they can get chilled quickly so we actually will run a heat lamp for the first week not straight over them but enough that they stay dry and warm... since mom will want to get up and leave them on occassion.

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