Premature duckling help


Jun 19, 2022
Help!! I have a premature duckling that has hatched from its egg but it is still connected to the yolk sack. It is peeping, however it is not moving yet. It had started hatching but then there was no movement for over 24 hours with the yolk sack becoming shrink wrapped to the duckling and it was stuck. I have carefully removed it from the egg and using warm water in a wash cloth have unstuck the membrane from his feathers but he is still attacked to the sack. Should I let this dry out on its own? Do I cut it? Not sure what to do.
The duckling needs to absorb its yolk sac. I like to loosely wrap hatchlings with unhealed navels in a dry paper towel and place it in a cup in the incubator until it finishes the absorption. The cup will help keep the hatchling from accidentally injuring itself by tearing the yolk sac, etc.

Good luck!
Thank you for the tip! I think I was too late in helping or it was just too early as it seems to have stopped breathing and is no longer peeping just in the last 30 min here 😞
Sorry to hear that it sounds like it didn't make it. :hugs

Waterfowl can take longer to hatch than chickens, so I'm very cautious when considering assisting a duckling or gosling. A large unabsorbed yolk sac is typically a sign that it's not ready to hatch.

If you haven't read it already, Pyxis wrote a very detailed assisted hatching guide.
I wasn't going to help but it started to hatch and then just seemed to not have the energy to continue on its own. I will check that guide out. Thank you!
I feel your pain
I to jumped the gun on my first one and that baby also died an hour after birth
My fault 100 % i have learned from my mistake and found amazing help on here for my other ones that needed assisting and hatched perfect babies that are now laying eggs :)
Patients and learning to read the duckling is key
Also learning that very few babies actually follow the 24 hour rule
I have had them external pip and zip from 8 -48 hours
I had one that has a small crack and the air cell was huge on that egg. It external pipped and then zipped in 8 hours I wasn’t expecting a baby till the next day yet here it was
But then I realized time is about the air cell. A small air cell you may get a pip and wait 48 hours for a zip
A large air cell you may get a pip then a zip in 8 hours.
The external pip is when they run out of air in the air cell not when they are absorbed
Many will external pip then nothing for 8-12 hours then a second small pip close to the first then nothing for 12-24 hours
When to worry is if the first pip becomes a big hole and baby isn’t going around the egg or if baby zips to the end but not around the egg
Both those mean baby is in the wrong position but is usually absorbed if it’s zipping even if it’s the wrong way. At that point you can make the zip carefully looking for veins. If none pull the cap and let baby push out
If baby is slowly zipping and taking time between that’s okay too let it do it’s thing. When they can zip in the correct place chances are they don’t need help and are resting and absorbing
Hope this helps
Help!! I have a premature duckling that has hatched from its egg but it is still connected to the yolk sack. It is peeping, however it is not moving yet. It had started hatching but then there was no movement for over 24 hours with the yolk sack becoming shrink wrapped to the duckling and it was stuck. I have carefully removed it from the egg and using warm water in a wash cloth have unstuck the membrane from his feathers but he is still attacked to the sack. Should I let this dry out on its own? Do I cut it? Not sure what to do.
This probably won’t help but I had exactly the same thing happen with a chick. What should we do pls. 🙏?

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