Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

Well, you know, you cain't out-waller a hog, Vern!

ya jest git filthy dirty, like the hog. But, y'ain't likely
to out-waller 'em.

Wow, I guess she has a lot of time on her hands, I don't think it looks bad, and it isn't like she is right next to it. I hope it all works out for you and by the way you have a great home, the coop is very nice and I like your fence.
I like the fence. I would put some up if they sold that kind here.It is a good idea to be able to move it around.

I was thinking that a row of ornamental grass to block the neighbors view would be a good option for your front yard.I added some in my front and back yard,and it grows so fast.You could probably get some free for the asking.I know I would share it locally when the comes time to divide my plants. In a few years the grass is tall enough to block me,but only took a year to block the chicken fencing in the back.

Here(I hope) is a picture of the grass I have in a row in the front yard blocking off my garden.I planted it last year,and it has really filled in this year.I plan to grow it around my front yard to enclose the area we us most often for planting. In the back around the chickens and to block out neighbors!
You have been reading my mind! Thanks for the suggestion and the picture (lovely landscaping, BTW). I am going to take some divisions from my nice neighbor's garden and plant them along the corner! I have another very extremely over the top nasty neighbor to the rear of my property (she just showed her true ugly colors last week), but she was so nasty I am disinclined to do anything to block her view--if she doesn't like it, SHE can plant something her dang self!

Thanks again!
Add a nice peacock to your flock and they will forget about the fence...some people are just out there....must not have a life if that if your fence is an issue.
Do what you please about a vegetation screen. Plant or don't plant. If you are within the association rules, go for it. If you take a step back on this, she will just take one step forward and find something else to complain about.

Thank goodness that I live on 5 acres, no homeowners assoc. and no one complains about my fences, my coops, or my rooster that crows from dawn till dark. I just love the sound of a crowing rooster. Good thing or he would be chicken soup by now.

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