Presenting You My Ruffed Grouse

Congratulations on the grouse but he does not look to be in good shape. That cage is not gamebird friendly and I don't think he'll last long in there. Are you working on more appropriate housing?
Congratulations on the grouse but he does not look to be in good shape. That cage is not gamebird friendly and I don't think he'll last long in there. Are you working on more appropriate housing?
You are right that he doesn't appear to be in good condition. I got the bird shipped to me just about a week ago or so as a gift from Dan, a grouse breeder in Idaho. He's gradually getting used to his new environment, and I'm thinking of preparing a bigger pen for my grouse.
Will they get along with chickens
No, they will not get along with chickens. These birds are wild gamebirds, unlike domestic ones like chickens and won't get along with each other. Grouse are more susceptible to disease than chickens and it's likely that chickens could carry diseases that others are resistant to, but not grouse. They don't have enough immunity to fight off certain diseases like chickens.
Ok! That's perfectly fine on my part, I had also asked about pheasants and partridges on another forum and received the same results. Guess I'll only keep guineas and chickens.
Ok! That's perfectly fine on my part, I had also asked about pheasants and partridges on another forum and received the same results. Guess I'll only keep guineas and chickens.
I have some incredibly bad news to tell this day: The ruffed grouse fell ill and died. As I mentioned previously, grouse are very prone to disease and thus get sick really easily; much more so than other game birds like quails and pheasants.
You can go to a ruffed grouse hunting range, play the territorial call, they come over, see you're not a grouse and they might be your friend. Try to bribe with berries.
oh thats unfortunate , sorry.
That's okay with me! I'm positive there are countless of numerous options to choose from, other than grouse.
You can go to a ruffed grouse hunting range, play the territorial call, they come over, see you're not a grouse and they might be your friend. Try to bribe with berries.
Sure! That'd work! I've seen many do this over the web but I've never done it before.

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