pressure canner questions...

Gardeningsis-does your older canner have a model # on it? See, mine doesn't and thats why I am having such a hard time finding a lid gasket. Also, my cooker has the domed lid so I can either cook in it or can 4 pints with it--its a 4 qt. Thats why I hate to part with it after all these years!!! I also have a newew model with the domed lid like that but it is a 6 qt.
:)Good morning Alabama. My canner is a Presto 7AV 16 quarts and is about 25 years old. I haven't replaced it because I do not really care for the new ones. My serial number is on a metal tag attached to the lid. My best advise is to check with Presto customer service they have an email and direct phone number for questions on canners. Perhaps they can give you some advise with a discription. Or if you have a local extension office, they are usually very helpful. Hope this helps.

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