Prettiest HYBRID chicken show "ENDED"

Wow...nice mutts!!

I hatched this one from my own
Her name is Ebony...she's a BSL...only pic I have right now of a hybrid....hmmmm another excuse to take more pics


This is Gretchen. I traded a BLRW rooster for her. She is a SilkieXCochin. She has 5 toes and black skin. We think she is beautiful in her own Grouse-like way.


She should be laying before long. She has a very sweet personality.
This is Pharow, he is a Phoenix and heavens knows what else......I have had him since he was two weeks old and hes now almost a year.....He is my comic relief everyday, such a goofy bird. He has 4 toes and slate colored legs. He is inbetween bantam and LF size.

Here's my silkie/d'uccle X roo, Spike. Guess he's about 3 months old now. He's got five toes, incredible feet feathering, a rather bizarre comb and several adorable 'sticky-uppy' feathers on the top of his head. He's just started to give crowing a try (couldn't figure out what that noise was coming from their house when I tucked them in tonight). We think he's a keeper, though never sure what to do with another roo.

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My cross of a cuckoo maran and buff laced polish-

She's no competition for some of the beautiful roo's posted here- but she's a pretty girl and a wonderful momma! (hence her name- Momma!)


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