Pretty sure this is a Salmon Faverolle roo...

I always say combs dont matter too much.
At 5 months old the comb should be bigger and he should be crowing. The OP's bird's coloring is all wrong for a cockerel. Here is an example of a male. Notice the black chest, mahogany back, light hackles. The white wing triangle will come later.

3 month old male

At 5 months old the comb should be bigger and he should be crowing. The OP's bird's coloring is all wrong for a cockerel. Here is an example of a male. Notice the black chest, mahogany back, light hackles. The white wing triangle will come later.

3 month old male

I'm just saying, other parts are easier to tell. Like, I had a hen who had a giant comb, and everyone mistook her for a rooster.
Ok, when I posted I thought 100% that this bird was a cockerel, I didn't see that it had been hatched in Sept (that's what I get for skimming)!!!! I don't know what it is. I Googled hatchery quality Salmon Favorelles and alot of pullets popped up looking like the bird in question. So, I'm going to gracefully bow out of this one. But I will check back for updates bc I'm very curious to see what it ends up being!
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