Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

Ok, thanks for all he info. I took a fecal sample in to the vet today so hopefully I can find out what's causing the dirty butts around here. I bought a hen that had it pretty bad and now its spreading to my other chickens. I hope a fecal sampe will show if its Gleet or not. I'm starting the probiotics today. I hate dirty butts!
Ok, thanks for all he info. I took a fecal sample in to the vet today so hopefully I can find out what's causing the dirty butts around here. I bought a hen that had it pretty bad and now its spreading to my other chickens. I hope a fecal sampe will show if its Gleet or not. I'm starting the probiotics today. I hate dirty butts!
I've brought new adults into the flock before. I prefer to quarantine them in their own area for a month to make sure they're healthy.

I rarely have caked feces on the feathers around the vents of my birds. I attribute it to the regular supplementation of probiotics, vitamins-electrolytes, high quality feed, and a regular worming program.
I hatched out 14 chicks which are now about 14 weeks old. I added the ACV to their water frequently and started them on ff pretty early on (but not from the beginning). These birds have been VERY healthy and vigorous. Today I was looking at a friend's hens. My 14 week old birds are ever bit as big as those mature hens and some are probably bigger. I add the ACV to the water but not to the feed. To the feed I have added butterilk, yogurt, probiotic packets (for chicks), yeast packets (for cooking), ect. I am a firm believer in both the ACV and probiotic fermented feed. I had read about adding ACV to chicken's water before coming to this website. Of course feeding ACV and ff are not "conventional practices," but so far I am a believer. Lately my birds have slacked off on their feed consumption causing me a little bit of concern. Even though they have slowed down on the feed they still look great and continue to grow and fill out. I can't find anything wrong with them. For the past several weeks I have fed them ff top dressed with just a little dry feed. At night I usually let them out to free range for a couple hours then just give them a little scratch to train them to go back to the coop when I want them to. I have to say that I am very thankful for all I have learned on this website and I must say, Beekissed, you are a major contributor of great information. Thanks!
I'll also add that due to a dog attack I ended up dressing two of the birds. The birds (from looking at the internal organs) were perfectly healthy, no disease, and the proper amount of fat.
haven't read the whole thread- but can acv help a chicken who is currently battling cocci? Also, here is a recipe for making vinegar - kind of the short version, from a chicken friend on facebook
haven't read the whole thread- but can acv help a chicken who is currently battling cocci? Also, here is a recipe for making vinegar - kind of the short version, from a chicken friend on facebook

Probably not as much as you would like but it sure couldn't hurt. It works better by colonizing the bowel with the proper bacteria but if the bowel is already experiencing an overgrowth of the coccidia, it's difficult for the beneficial bacteria to find intestinal walls space to colonize. It works best as a preventative, when it can actually inhibit the overgrowth of coccidia. I'd still try's never too late to start good health practices.
ok, thanks- i have a very weak silky, treating her for cocci. I will add the ACV to all the waterers- for her, i have been hand feeding, surprised she'd made it this long- hoping in the future the acv will prevent it
ok, thanks- i have a very weak silky, treating her for cocci. I will add the ACV to all the waterers- for her, i have been hand feeding, surprised she'd made it this long- hoping in the future the acv will prevent it

If your treating with Corid right now which if your not you should be, I have read not to add the ACV with the Corid so I would wait till treatment is done. Make sure she's drinking the Corid.
haven't read the whole thread- but can acv help a chicken who is currently battling cocci? Also, here is a recipe for making vinegar - kind of the short version, from a chicken friend on facebook
Thanks for this info. Braggs is a bit pricey to buy very often. I have one question, though. Do you mix your frozen apple juice with water as direceted and then proceed or just mix the frozen concentrate with the listed ingredients?
Thanks for this info. Braggs is a bit pricey to buy very often. I have one question, though. Do you mix your frozen apple juice with water as direceted and then proceed or just mix the frozen concentrate with the listed ingredients?

You can buy a gallon of regular acv then add a cup of Braggs to it. Set that aside for about a month then it will also have the "mother" growing in it and be good to use. That works well.

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