Pricing Live BB Turkeys


10 Years
Oct 17, 2012
I have two bb white hens that are about a year and a half old. They free range and we've been keeping them as pets (I know, they don't live that long, meant to be processed earlier, etc). They were a gift to my son by a relative when his pet heritage turkey died. Anyway, at this point we are looking at moving them along, I don't have the heart to process them, no one in the family would eat them, they eat all the chicken feed and our heritage tom has been ripping up one of them trying to breed (she's all healed up now that we keep him penned up).
They have been laying lots of eggs.
I know it varies by location, but what would you ask for them in USD?
In our area full grown heritage turkeys go for around $50 and up but I haven't seen any live meat birds advertised. Do you go by weight?
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Prices are going to very by area. A good place to check would be your local craigslist.

Good luck
Funny... because I said that I know it varies by area and I CANNOT find them listed for sale. I suppose I should have added specifically that I cannot find them listed on the local Craigslist, or any of the adjoining area Craigslists. That is why I asked here.
Okay understood.

I did a search on craigslist in my area. Southern Tier of NY, right on the PA boarder. I'm seeing BB Thanksgiving turkeys which I'm assuming means dressed for $4 a pound and another for $55-$90 depending on size. Personally I think you'd have to be out of your mind to pay $90 for a BB turkey in my area. Its what they're asking, I don't know what they'll actually get. The ad was pushing the pending "downfall of civilization this fall" so they're trying to get people to place orders. Whether they get it or not I can't answer that. Look at what the heritage turkeys go for and come in under that and see what happens. You could also see what the grocery store is charging. Just some thoughts.

Good luck
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I think that dressed weight is 2/3 of live weight. I would take the live weight x market price of meat x .66 then subtract butchering cost. So if the bird was 30bls and regular turkey goes for $3lb then 30 x 3 x.66 - $10 or so = $49.4. I don't know if there is/should be a price difference for a young bird vs and old bird.

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