Printing Egg Cartons


I think my post came off the wrong way. My intent was to ask if there was a particular diet/feed that you used to get these results, and how you found out.

Thank you for the link. I hope I didn't cause any offense.
Ok folks, how about this:

See how the price went up the more I've messed with it
Oh no, none at all!
I hope I didn't come off sounding irritated. I just wanted to make that post BEFORE I re-worked the flyer
I realize that I'm topping an "old" thread, but I'm new here! It's all news to me!

I'm wondering if I can order stamps from such and such office supply store and use them on foam egg cartons. Not sure what type of ink is compatible. Anyone know?

These may be of interest in selling, advertising or otherwise getting your eggs out there, and for storage:

Seems that the term "Pastured" is the ultimate. Hope you find the info useful!

BTW, I purchased an assorted mix of colors of foam egg cartons here:

If you aren't particular on what the carton "says"...try these misprinted cartons. The flat top ones are under $22 for 100. Quantities start at 25 for $9.95.
The only problem is when people see "Pastured" eggs, it registers Pasturized so then people think you're making a false claim. Been there, done that

But Pastured is the correct term.

I will be going with Cage Free
I've put this project on the back burner. The more that I think about it, the less I care to have people coming up onto my property. I dunno...

But, I do appreciate all of the ideas and suggestions!
We sell at local farmers markets. No sign out front of the farm drawing traffic. Although, I have had a couple local customers call and ask to come for pick-up. Thought I'd share these for anyone else reading this thread.

For carton labels....
We're printing the following from a MS Word document on self-sticking label paper. A lot of the info on ours is required by NC - but hope it gives you some ideas.

We use this on the left side of all cartons. The logo background is a photo of our farm from the roadfront

For Brown eggs, we use this image on the right side of the cartons

For Easter eggs, we use an image on the right side of the cartons with a basket of the colored eggs, same basic wording.

For an informational handout... know, some people think all kinds of 'freaky things' about those dark yolks, or any-spec-that-might-be-a-chick, etc. We print the following as a handout about our eggs. Shown here is the front. It's 2-sided, prints front & back on 1 sheet of 8x11 paper. There are 2 per sheet, we cut the sheets in half.


You can download the MS Word file for use with your own customers from this link: - save it to your hard drive
Note: You will want to modify it - such as change farm name, phone number. Read the backside carefuly. There are some generally informative comments that would fit any farm eggs. But then other comments refer to our specfic operation. You may want to change some comments if they do not fit your situation. Please leave the credit line to Mother Earth News for the diagram.

Edit: repaired link
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Just a note you will want to check your state regs when it comes to selling eggs on or off your property.

Ours here say we may use used egg cartons but they must have full name and address on it. When I lived up North we could not use used egg cartons (sos had to have new) and info besides name and address was also phone number to be included. So you can see how things can change in minor ways. I know many would not sell for they do not want all this information floating around out there for anyone to pick up.

Selling from your home place does mean visits at all hours. Many when no one is home so have a way to lock up your place if onone is there. Right now there have been thread here of people loosing eggs for they are being stolen out of coops from strangers. People are deprate and hungery now days with so many out of work. Think on it.

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