Problems with hatching ducklings


5 Years
Feb 24, 2018
Hello everyone! I have kept indian runner ducks for about 3 years now, i love them, but its a disaster.

Ive had a fox get two and then alot of them at one time our another randomly started to lose weight and drop dead. I had a vet do a postmortem on two ducks i hatched that dropped dead at a year old and the vet found nothing wrong.

Even on the best layers pellets they did not thrive. I decided with my current ducks when they started to lose weight i would give them vecoxan, a dose we use for sheep to prevent cocodiosis. And they put the weight back on again and are currently good robust ducks. So hopefully this will be the solution to prevent further deaths.

However eveytime it comes to hatching out indian runner ducks its a disaster for me. Once i gathered 28 eggs put them into an incubator and ended up with 3 ducklings at the end of it all. During incubation eggs so bad, then at the time of hatching ducklings just dont hatch or else they are too weak to carrying on breaking out. Then after hatching ive had some take seizures to which ive remedied this with a vitamin b tonic or they just end up dying randomly.

Last week i had three ducklings hatch. But one thet looked so strong went on its back and died, then another one just looked not right like dozy and eventually its breathing became like hiccups and it died. However i am left with one beautiful black and white runner who is totally fine and strong.

As well as this I am finding it so hard to come by other runner ducks to buy and wonder if it the breed in general that is hard to keep alive i do not know.

Years ago we kept and successful bred many many call ducks without any issues whatsoever so i wonder could it just be indian runners that have issues?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. As I said I love this breed so very much but it breaks my heart that it isnt going to plan.
Wow! I've never heard of anything like this happening. I only have runners, and at present, I've got 19. I've also hatched runners quite a few times and have never experienced anything even close to this. I'm wondering where you are located too so we can really examine what's going on.

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