Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

I need to kill these roosters before I get into trouble with the town compliance. I have way over the limit on number of chickens. They are 11 weeks old black copper Marans, Rhode island reds, and buff orphington roosters. They started crowing really loud. I had 28 chicks hatch out of my incubator so many of these are roosters. I obviously didn't think this out too well. When can they be butchered? These aren't meat birds, does it matter? I could also feed them to the 4 hound dogs. Also they love me and run up to me and jump into my lap. I don't know what to do. I can't do it. I need someone to do it for me maybe. Where to hire a rooster hit man?

Can you hang onto them for a while longer until they fill out more? While not true meat birds, they are dual-purpose. My black australorps - same size as marans - were huge at 5 months, with 7" long drumsticks and 4" long wing bones! One thigh was a meal in itself :D
Can you hang onto them for a while longer until they fill out more? While not true meat birds, they are dual-purpose. My black australorps - same size as marans - were huge at 5 months, with 7" long drumsticks and 4" long wing bones! One thigh was a meal in itself :D

Are you by chance in Phoenix? I'm in Gilbert. I need to find this extremely loud one and silence it asap but the quiet ones can wait. I looked on CL and can't find anyone who can process them. I can't do it myself.
To find a local processor I suggest maybe looking on your states craigslist. Some people will advertise for those services. It will likely be in the farm and garden section of craigslist. You could also post a wanted ad advertising that you are looking for those services.

My local processor charges $5 per chicken and $10 per turkey.

I should get into the processing business!!!
I just sold them all for $4 each. And I know they will be eaten and not going to a forever home. :hit
But at least we'll have peace and quiet and no town compliance knocking on my door.
I just sold them all for $4 each. And I know they will be eaten and not going to a forever home.

But at least we'll have peace and quiet and no town compliance knocking on my door.
I hope next time you will be ready to process some for yourself. It is a great way to get in touch with your food.

Remember, they have had a good life with you compared to what their lives would have been like at a commercial place.

Ya I've gotta man up. I just hatched 6 chicks and 9 quail. For sure more roosters and I hear quail are delicious too.
Are you by chance in Phoenix? I'm in Gilbert. I need to find this extremely loud one and silence it asap but the quiet ones can wait. I looked on CL and can't find anyone who can process them. I can't do it myself.

I'm in nova scotia.

Yeah, I had a hard time with my first one. Hubby usually does the beheading but I get tired of waiting for him to get around to it so I finally bit the bullet and started doing them myself. First one was a disaster, second one went better, third was a newly-hatched chick born with its insides outside :( The chick was the hardest to do, but despite trying, I couldn't save her and she was crying non-stop from pain.
I just sold 2 roosters out of the blue-- a family from south america now living in the US and driving h a huge Yukon, had their littlest act as interpretor. I charge $7 but would like to charge more. Being free range and well fed an all . . .

I dont advertise on CL any more as I prefer to eat them ourselves. THese are folks that ig nore the NO Tresspassing sign. Gotta find a gate!

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