Prolapse in 3wk LO pullet


Aug 29, 2017
A racoon (I believe) attacked my birds on Wed, at 1st we thought AJ just had a case of pasty butt. But after cleaning it and using triple antibiotic ointment and prep h, it isn't really getting better and we are now on day 3. It looks like her vent is split i really want to save her, she has so much personality. Pics and video are graphic. I am taking her to a gf of mine tonight who is a pediatrician. I know human Drs are not chicken Drs but better than nothing - she is gonna help me. The question is sutures, or derma bond. Oh yeah I can't get the poo out of the downy feathers and she has a small piece of meat hanging out, so do I cut that off?

The 1st 2 pics are from today and the video and the other pic is from Wed


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I was trying to respond to this and my internet connection went out, and when I returned, everything I'd written was lost. So much for the BYC auto-save feature.

Here goes again. I strongly recommend not trying to suture a baby chick, especially the fragile tissue of the vent.

Keep coconut oil on the inflamed vent. The tear will heal.

To help prevent constipation and pasty butt as the vent is healing, I recommend a tiny bit of coconut oil orally once a day, about one-eight to one-quarter teaspoon.
So we wound up cleaning with coconut oil and pushed the prolapse back in, we put just a touch of dermabond where the two tears were with q tips. She still has a small prolapse that is trying to poke out, but as long as I keep putting coconut oil on it she should be ok.
Constipation is usually the reason for vent prolapse. A chick is backed up and feels the desperate urge to poop and strains. You will know this is happening when the chick ramps up the peeping while squatting. It just tears your heart out to see it, because the frantic peeping signifies pain.

The coconut oil is so easy to administer orally. If you let it harden and break a tiny piece off, place on the chick's tongue, the chick will swallow it. This cures constipation in a short twelve hour span. As the chick stops straining, the prolapse quickly heals.
It started as a tear, we think something tried to get her from the broader. She is literally 1/2 the size as her brother from same hatching and we are now on day 4, and nothing seems to be helping


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Failure to thrive cause all sorts of problems. Do you have her on any vitamins? I recommend Poultry Nutri-drench , a formula for distressed chickens that goes directly into the blood stream.

Getting calories into the chick it can digest is also critical. I recommend offering crumbled tofu with a sprinkling of vitamins to help it to "launch".

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