Prolapsed vent AND I found 14 soft-shelled eggs all stuck together


Dec 1, 2015
My 16 month old hen has always been kind of weird looking. Her butt always hangs low and she waddles. She also always lays eggs with no shell- but rarely lays at all. So obviously something has been off since she hatched. Anyway, this morning I found 14 soft shelled eggs in the coop. A few were not stuck to the others, but for the most part it was a huge line of soft eggs. And her vent is prolapsed. She just looks a mess and I don't really know what to do. Obviously she has internal issues since she has never produced a hard egg and now she laid all these at once. I don't know what I should do! I'm attaching pics of her butt and the eggs. They were all laid at once so obviously they were collecting inside her.
I've been on BYC for over nine years, and I've not seen such a dramatic example of internal laying. I feel very sorry for your hen and for you, too. I don't believe this is a fixable issue.

Of course, you also need to take into account how your hen is behaving. Is she lethargic, not eating, standing on the outskirts of the flock with her tail held low and flat, eyes dull and half closed or shut and what does her poop look like?
I've been on BYC for over nine years, and I've not seen such a dramatic example of internal laying. I feel very sorry for your hen and for you, too. I don't believe this is a fixable issue.

Of course, you also need to take into account how your hen is behaving. Is she lethargic, not eating, standing on the outskirts of the flock with her tail held low and flat, eyes dull and half closed or shut and what does her poop look like?

I'm afraid it's not fixable either. I haven't seen any poop since I removed her from the flock this morning and I don't think she's eaten anything. She just seems to be chilling right now, but she seems fluffed out some (I can't think of the word). She attempted to run when I went to move her to the "hospital" but she really couldn't. Looking in her vent area I really don't even know where to start.

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