Proper methods for adding to your flock

But.....integrating new birds works best with extra space.

Is the prefab 3x6' the coop and run, or just the coop?
I also have "roosts" for my flock. But I always seem to try and imagine if I were in someone else's shoes....Would I want to be cooped up....NO...would I like to have my space to sleep...Yep....I would not want to be pinned in with anything....I chose to give my "girls" more than a recommendation from a manufacturer. But, I am telling you, their recommendations are incorrect.
This is my first year with my "Girls". I can concur with Mrs K 100 percent! My husband bought me a pre-fab coop from Tractor Supply months before I had my chicks. The coop plainly stated it was suited for up to 6 chickens. It took less than 30 days for me to realize that was a falsehood. I started with 7 chickens. No where enough room for 3, let alone 7. Hence, we built another coop and attached it to the one from Tractor Supply ( wasn't wasting hubby's money...that thing cost almost $400).
I use a Tractor Supply coop to isolate a chicken due to behavior, injury or when a hen goes broody. Had to do a little work to make it predator proof and it shares one wall with one of my runs. Raised two batches of three chicks each this way and am happy with the results.

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