Protein % for day old ducklings?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 19, 2010
Hey everyone. I'm getting my first-ever ducklings in the mail sometime between Sunday and Friday!! Can't wait. I went to buy starter feed for them today and all my local Agway had was Gamebird starter (unmedicated, and there is a picture of a duck on the front, which I took to be a good sign!). Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks says that you want a feed with 20-22% protein, and this stuff I got is 26%. Is that extra 4% a problem, or not a big deal?
From what I've read on here it should be fine for the first couple of weeks then you could switch to a grower feed.
Enjoy your ducks and post pic when they get here
Oh I will! I can't wait... One of my goats is leaving us Tuesday morning, so I'm glad to be getting a fresh dose of new life on the farm.

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