Announcement PSA: Passwords, Security, and Hackers... OH MY!!!!!

Good reminder.
Didn’t one if the password managers get hacked recently? Feels like putting all my eggs in one basket!
Also, how do you enable multi factor authentication on BYC?
Lastpass recently. No consumer data was accessed but the codebase was exposed. they're still cleaning up that mess.
Good reminder.
Didn’t one if the password managers get hacked recently? Feels like putting all my eggs in one basket!
Also, how do you enable multi factor authentication on BYC?
Under the "Password and Security" tab in your profile, there's a "two step verification" box right above your existing password. Click it and follow the prompts. I use google authenticator and the setup took seconds.
this (shortened; you can find it and read it all if you're interested) from Davos day 2 was reported in the Guardian:

"Catastrophic cyberattack likely in the next two years, business chiefs fear​

Most business leaders fear that global geopolitical instability means a catastrophic cyberattack will occur by 2025.

A survey by the World Economic Forum released this morning found that 93% of cybersecurity experts and 86% of business leaders believe global geopolitical instability is likely to lead to a catastrophic cyberattack in the next two years.

The poll shows that a lack of skilled cyber experts is threatening the security of business and societies.

Julie Sweet, chair and chief executive officer of Accenture, said companies must ‘secure the core’ of their business to avoid cyber disruption

Edi Rama, prime minister of Albania, told reporters that if cybercrime was a state, it would be third largest economy after US and China. He said Albania has been under cyberattack from Iran since last summer.

He compares the threat of hacking to a ticking bomb, warning that sometimes you don’t know that hackers are there, and that you are sleeping on a bomb."

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