Puff Daddy : 3, Dogs: 0

Uppity Peon

10 Years
May 1, 2009
Willamette Valley, OR
Last week I let my old dog Brisco out in the yard while the flock was out. He is pretty small and pretty slow. Puff Daddy bit him a few times and told him in no uncertain terms that he was not welcome in the back yard! I rescued poor Brisco and herded him back into the house.

Yesterday my DW let both of the dogs out while I was working on the woodpile. Brisco was attacked again and I had to fend Puff Daddy off with my leg to prevent a second bite.

But Jasper is a bigger younger dog. Fortunately she is pretty sweet and non-aggressive. She stood on the back porch next to my DW and Puff Daddy came up the 2 staps onto the back porch too! He moved toward Jasper and Jasper ducked behind DW! She was intimidated! After the dogs were back inside Puff Daddy was so proud he crowed for about 5 minutes!
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Poor Babies !!
Well it's good to see Puff Daddy terrorizing someone other than the hens. His rap sheet for assault is going to be long and varied!

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