Pullet All Scrunched


Oct 7, 2015
Hi! I recently noticed that one of my ladies (Hyline) is acting odd - she is about 8 months old and has been with five other girls since we got them at 17 weeks. About a month ago, we introduced two roosters into the coop, and four guinea hens. She seemed fine with the chaos and was eating/drinking well. On Sunday however, she became somewhat withdrawn. During "free range" time, I found her all scrunched up sitting off by herself in the woods. Thinking she might just be laying an egg, I didn't give it much thought until later when she went inside and I didn't see an egg in the spot where she had been. Over the past couple of days, I've kept my eye on her - she's moving about normally, but seems much more subdued, and disinterested in treats or interacting (she had been a fiend for millet and worms). When I am in the coop and there is all sorts of action with the others getting treats, she is off by herself on the perch all scrunched up. At the urging of a friend who owns chickens, we treated the girls on Monday with Ivermectin (sp). however, we only applied one drop to each as I myself am chicken with my chickens and was afraid of an adverse reaction. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this type of behavior. Not sure if it's the boys and their amorous advances that are throwing her off or if she's sick - I just want to do what's best for my girls! Thanks for the help!
Hi! I recently noticed that one of my ladies (Hyline) is acting odd - she is about 8 months old and has been with five other girls since we got them at 17 weeks. About a month ago, we introduced two roosters into the coop, and four guinea hens. She seemed fine with the chaos and was eating/drinking well. On Sunday however, she became somewhat withdrawn. During "free range" time, I found her all scrunched up sitting off by herself in the woods. Thinking she might just be laying an egg, I didn't give it much thought until later when she went inside and I didn't see an egg in the spot where she had been. Over the past couple of days, I've kept my eye on her - she's moving about normally, but seems much more subdued, and disinterested in treats or interacting (she had been a fiend for millet and worms). When I am in the coop and there is all sorts of action with the others getting treats, she is off by herself on the perch all scrunched up. At the urging of a friend who owns chickens, we treated the girls on Monday with Ivermectin (sp). however, we only applied one drop to each as I myself am chicken with my chickens and was afraid of an adverse reaction. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this type of behavior. Not sure if it's the boys and their amorous advances that are throwing her off or if she's sick - I just want to do what's best for my girls! Thanks for the help!
Welcome to BYC! Would be best to place her in a warm room (80-85 degrees) and post a picture of her poop.

I was wondering if this could be the case - I have not seen any blood in any of the poop I've shoveled but I know that's not always a sure thing. Is there any harm in treating the flock as if this is the affliction without having proof?
I was wondering if this could be the case - I have not seen any blood in any of the poop I've shoveled but I know that's not always a sure thing. Is there any harm in treating the flock as if this is the affliction without having proof?
No harm in treating the whole flock with Corid.


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