Pullet Crowing?

Very hard to take good pics of a black bird......you'll need to get it out in bright sunlight and have someone hold it while you take pics.

Hackle feathers(around neck) and saddle feathers(growing from in front of tail) should tell the tale...are they pointed or rounded. Maybe even get a hand under feather tips to show them better

Also, are you positive that bird is 6 months old?
Looks to be a bantam cross?
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Very hard to take good pics of a black bird......you'll need to get it out in bright sunlight and have someone hold it while you take pics.

Hackle feathers(around neck) and saddle feathers(growing from in front of tail) should tell the tale...are they pointed or rounded. Maybe even get a hand under feather tips to show them better

Also, are you positive that bird is 6 months old?
Looks to be a bantam cross?
Yes it is difficult to take pictures of black animals. I can try outdoor pictures later today and post them. Also, I'm not positive, but I bought it at a show and was told it's a six month old rosecomb pullet. That's what the papers said and everything. They weren't 100% sure if it was male or female though, but it looks completely different from the other roosters it was with. They were all the same age.
I think you have a pullet!! The tail appears to be a female, and the comb and waddle looks like a female if the age is 6 mo. Females can crow even without being around males, but more often than not what people think is a attempt to crow, is just a vocal female making a fuss.
Sebright hens have a reputation for crowing so rosecomb girls more than likely could too. At 6 months I'd expect a much larger comb on a cockerel and long curved sickle feathers to have started growing in it's tail.
Well it's definitely a crow. As days go by, it sounds more and more like a full crow instead of just an attempt. Compared to the boys she was with, her tail isn't sickle shaped, smaller waddle and ears, and an overall different body shape. What really throws me of is the crowing! I had another pullet who crowed every once in a while when she was young and grew out of it, but this one crows throughout the day. I have an earlier picture of what looks like possible spurs developing too. So I'm not sure if it's a behavioral thing, or if I accidentally ended up with a roo.

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