Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

Thank you! I’m a bit nervous but I live in an area with lots of chicken owners and have made some connections that have given good advice. You are right, he is very young (like 8ish weeks old) as is about half of the flock, but not all. I am a bit worried about the 7m old being a bully! The girls finally have worked things out so I’m not looking forward to a shake-up.
He'll do fine in your flock.. the best introduction practice to avoid injury is usually a look but don't touch set up (like a wire dog kennel they can interact though, usually for several days depending on age/set up/ number of new comers verse # of current flock, etc). The chicks his age will be just as interested in beating up the (single) new comer as the older ladies are. He should settle in with the other chicks quickly.. and then work his way up to the big gals as he matures a bit.

My comments were about his behavior towards humans. Being brought up in a multi generational flock *usually* helps teach them some manners on that front. Him being that much younger as opposed to the same age as the ladies *might* be enough of a gap and work major in his favor long term!

Chickens are territorial.. anytime a bird is added or removed there may be some shake up to the pecking order which is fluid and dynamic. Virtually all lower birds by nature are vying for top spot and just waiting for their chance/opportunity (another's weakness) to become king of the hill, *often* making the lowest in the pecking order be the biggest bully to new comers! The top gal right now.. might only be in that position due to hormones coming on first, coupled a bit with personality and confidence level.. but those hormones play a big role in confidence/curiosity and stupidity (or stubbornness) levels.. desirability of any of those traits depends fully on context.

With that said.. they do also have friendships, form alliances and clicks, etc, etc. And each individual and situation are unique, so nothing I say may hold as absolute truth!
He'll do fine in your flock.. the best introduction practice to avoid injury is usually a look but don't touch set up (like a wire dog kennel they can interact though, usually for several days depending on age/set up/ number of new comers verse # of current flock, etc). The chicks his age will be just as interested in beating up the (single) new comer as the older ladies are. He should settle in with the other chicks quickly.. and then work his way up to the big gals as he matures a bit.

My comments were about his behavior towards humans. Being brought up in a multi generational flock *usually* helps teach them some manners on that front. Him being that much younger as opposed to the same age as the ladies *might* be enough of a gap and work major in his favor long term!

Chickens are territorial.. anytime a bird is added or removed there may be some shake up to the pecking order which is fluid and dynamic. Virtually all lower birds by nature are vying for top spot and just waiting for their chance/opportunity (another's weakness) to become king of the hill, *often* making the lowest in the pecking order be the biggest bully to new comers! The top gal right now.. might only be in that position due to hormones coming on first, coupled a bit with personality and confidence level.. but those hormones play a big role in confidence/curiosity and stupidity (or stubbornness) levels.. desirability of any of those traits depends fully on context.

With that said.. they do also have friendships, form alliances and clicks, etc, etc. And each individual and situation are unique, so nothing I say may hold as absolute truth!
Just to provide an update. Our Silverudd cockerel was added two days ago basically cold-turkey because of my setup and the weather conditions. But we have a large coop and very large run for the number of birds. He got put in his place right off the bat and was pretty terrified for the first few hours but is now basically integrated just over 48 hrs later! The bossiest girls are still giving him some grief but they do that to the other girls too, and not incessantly.

I’d say it was a great success ☺️ He is quite the flyer and almost flew right out of the run a couple times (it’s partially covered, awaiting some netting on order) which gave me a fright but he’s doing much better now!

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