Pullet violently scratching head


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2017
My two month old salmon favorelle bantam is violently scratching the sides of her head. Started about a week ago. Have even seen her flop on her back a couple of times scratching. I have checked her all over for mites and lice and see nothing. Doesn't look red or scaly, nothing. Feathers still intact. I use diatomaceous earth in their dust baths and chicken house. Have dusted her thoroughly with diatomaceous earth three times in the last week and put mineral oil in her ears for ear mites. Maybe she's a little better but still scratching. Could she have an earache? Any suggestions.
I really don't think it's the chicken house. It's brand new and has only been used three to four weeks and have kept it cleaned and treated from the get go but will check as you said. Don't think it's fleas either because I check her real good every day..... under her wings, pull her feathers back so I can see her skin. Have seen no signs of anything. It's weird. Have not checked her mouth though. I have seven others and they are all fine. It's just her.

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