Pumpkin/squash feed?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
Recently I split a squash and a pumpkin in a few pieces and left out for my chickens and 2 peacocks to eat. They DEVOURED them and it was gone within an hour or so. Is this ok to feed them because it works really well and they like it so much!
HAS GOOD PROTEIN ALSO, Better than the feed we buy

Like they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words, so here it is!

I learned on here that pumpkins, squash, etc. are not only
fine to feed as 'treats' but the pumpkins have a natural
worming substance in them as well - win/win on that one.

My flock adores pumpkins and watermelons so much that
in after season for both, I go around to outlets/stores, etc.
and ask if I can have the ones that are 'going downhill'
in freshness and they are usually glad that I haul them off.

At first I was afraid they wouldn't be able to penetrate the
tough rinds but - no problem there - they can finish off a
large pumpkin in less than 6 hours - gone without a trace.

Love it!

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