Puncture wound on my duck


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 7, 2008
Northwest Montana
I need advice - I have a female Indian Runner duck (1 yr old) who has a puncture wound. I noticed it because there is blood on her side, even though she is not actively bleeding. The wound is under the wing, and seems to go into the body cavity. I only see one puncture. She has been sitting up, but not wanting to walk (at least she was easy to catch).

Last night the gate was open, and 2 of my 3 runners where outside the yard, in some bushes, the other runner was inside (same section of the fence). I had my son bring the escapees in, so I don't know if the injured one was inside or outside. I have 2 dogs, neither shows interest in the birds, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that this is a dog (or fox) bite. Especially if she was outside the yard.

So what do I do? I have anti-biotics and probotics on hand, as well as hydrogen peroxide and iodine. But since the wound is so deep, I don't know what to use. The vet is not an option.

What was the outcome for this? I have run into the exact same problem this morning mine is a Pekin and she has it appears to be three puncture ones however they are not bleeding but they are on her back in between her Waze seems to be walking OK for the most part but she just doesn’t want to… I’m not quite sure what to do and there is not a vet anywhere near me that handles poultry

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