
Jul 2, 2020
Hi, I’ve been owning chickens for a while now and recently I got some new chickens. Two Dominique females and the other five of my females in my main flock were isa brown pullets. Today I noticed that one of my Dominique chickens had some purple on the back of her comb. The other one did not. I also noticed that two of my isa brown pullet also had partially purple combs. All of them seem to be behaving normally and my family says that they’ve seen the chickens do that before. Is it possible that the chickens are affected by the hot weather and humidity or that they are hormonal, or does it sound like something more serious?
Hi, I’ve been owning chickens for a while now and recently I got some new chickens. Two Dominique females and the other five of my females in my main flock were isa brown pullets. Today I noticed that one of my Dominique chickens had some purple on the back of her comb. The other one did not. I also noticed that two of my isa brown pullet also had partially purple combs. All of them seem to be behaving normally and my family says that they’ve seen the chickens do that before. Is it possible that the chickens are affected by the hot weather and humidity or that they are hormonal, or does it sound like something more serious?
Very possible. I am seeing the same thing, especially the roosters with their big combs, in my flock and I am sure it is due to the heat and humidity. But, yes, it could be a symptom of something more serious and needs to be watched carefully.
A purple comb generally signals the lack of oxygen in the blood or poor circulation, heart disease and arterial hypertension. Some diseases and viruses can cause purple combs as well.

However this time of year excessive heat can put a strain on the heart and respiratory system and this can cause the combs to purple up a bit. It the birds urates are a bit yellow during this heat wave, the birds are developing dehydration. You might offer up some cool wet fruits and use a fan to stir up the air.

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