Putting eggs in the bator on July 25, does anyone wanna hatch along???

  • COFFEE!! this is me in the beginning
  • This is me in the middle

  • This is me near the end

  • And this will probally be me at the end

  • This will prob be me after the hatch
!!!!! also I hear that silkie eggs hatch early so when mine hatch mine might hatch early. I am kinda sad because if mine hatch early then the other ones that need to hatch on the 18th might not because the hen might not want to sit on the eggs anymore!!!
Well, to some extent. I don't back down from him, I let him have it when he blasts me, every so often I hike him under my arm and tote him around in the most undignified manner... He just gets a bee in his bonnet every so often. It's annoying. I'd say he's a good roo, but I don't necessarily like him much
What kind is he? Do you want to keep him? If you do for the next two weeks every time he looks at you, you should pin him. You just gently grab them between the shoulder blades and push him to the ground and make him stay there until he quits fighting. You know like the boys do to the girls. Not hard you don't want to hurt him just gently hold him down. I learned this on BYC and it has worked with all my roos except my blind one and now they all treat me with respect. Every once in a while one will dance at me but, he won't go any further then that and he looks cute so I don't care.
My Silkie sat on eggs on 21st (my birthday, woo!) and I swapped them for some fertilized ones. I checked on her on the 10th, and because it was really windy, and one chick was hatching, I grabbed it and sprinted it inside to the incubator for it to hatch in there (so that it didn't dry out if she got up). I had four eggs under her.

It hatched yesterday in the 'bator, and being a much calmer day I took the hatched chick back out and put it under her. I candled the other three eggs and two of them were unfertilized, so I chucked them out. The fourth one WAS fertile, but the chick died in the egg so it's gone. So it's only one silkie mother and a barred rock x red sex link chick! (The chick is completely yellow except for one spot of black.)

Piccasos: (sorry, a funny way of saying pics :p)

Also, I should note that while she was clucky, the other hen sat guard at the hutch door.

Dang it, I broke an egg!!! I'd swear a blue streak but the forum doesn't let me
I was candling for air sacs because two eggs have really little ones -- I hadn't candled since Thursday so I wanted to see if they'd gotten any bigger. Well, they haven't -- dunno what's up with that -- they're also two of the ones that are too dark to see into clearly enough to be sure of movement, but there are big, definite veins at least so I'm hoping for the best. But those air sacs are TINY!!! None of the other ones are...

And could I drop one of those eggs? Noooo. Of course not. DANG IT!!!

They need an emoticon for feeling absolutely furious and incredibly guilty, both at the same time...

There, I vented. Now lemme go catch up on the news!

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