pyncheon thread

Welp Hatchery Pyncheons... I just got my order from Welp and was really dissapointed. it's not that I expected willow legs on most, but it looks like they are actually white on all. MORE disappointing is that 4 of the 10 birds have no crest! what breed is similar enough to use to introduce the willow legs without throwing off the body type too much? are crested skulls a recessive trait?

all 4 here of the no cresteds

a lot of variation in the 'buff' baby down

Mine are under an onery broody that I don't want to disturb to much. I'm afraid she will step on a little one while going after me. I haven't noticed crests on mine but I thought they came in later.

Legs look yellow on mine and I'm also wondering what to use to get the willow back. I had thought about Old English but didn't see anything with willow, lots of slate legs.
. I haven't noticed crests on mine but I thought they came in later.
crests come from vaulted skulls and should be there at birth -like on silkies and polish. it appears the breeder who supplied them to the hatchery was diluting his stock..but why couldn't he have done it and added in leg colour at the same time?? I would understand that.

I believe the willow colour i a mix of yellow legs and ?? here is it described
i sent n email to the person at Welp about 4 of my 10 being crestless. she wrote back that the supplier says it is normal for their stock. so according to them this is OK. they are now out of them for the 2014 season anyways...
The SOP describes they as having a tassel rather than a crest. When the chicks would stand still for a second they seem to have a longer down on the back part of their head. I didn't check each of the six but at least the three who stood still did. I'm just going to see what grows out on them. Personally, I am pleased not to have vaulted skulls, heard of far to many injuries on polish and silkies with vaulted skulls.

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