quail chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 8, 2014
Does anyone know if I will be able to tell the difference between Tennessee red chicks and George giant chicks? Thanks
The Tennessee Reds should be a more darker redder color than the buff browns on the GG's. Be careful if you brood these together. The Tennessee's can be very aggressive in the brooder so if you can tell them apart, I would separate. I would give each chick 1/2 to 1 square foot per bird in the brooder.
Cool, the eggs I bought were not all labeled so I separated the ones I knew at lockdown so I would have a idea. Wow they take a lot more room than I would have thought as chicks. Looks like I need to go get a few more big totes. How long till they are feathered good enough to handle the cold? I live in the northern part of Illinois. Thanks
They will be fully feathered in 5 to 6 weeks and if your weather warrants it, you can then get them outside. :)
Well instead of buying more totes I built 2 8sqft brooders, it was cheaper per sqft. A month and a half from now there should be vary few nights below freezing. I have 31 eggs in lookdown so we will see how many I end up with. Knowing my luck ill end up with way more reds than Georgia's and I would rather have the Georgia's than reds now that ive been educated on the two. Owell the eggs were cheap and I enjoy hatching them. I still have 40 some coturnix eggs cooking. So how much room do adult bobs need, I was thinking it was 1 sqrt per bird but must have been thinking of the coturnix. Thanks
Both of these species need at least 4 square feet per bird. They are large and hyper and do not do well cramped. They stress easily and will bully, scalp, toe pick and all kinds of things if they feel cramped up.
k I just wanted to keep a pair or trio to make more, if I like the flavor. I can make as big of a pen as I desire but don't want to spend the money till I know I will like the meat. Thanks
I have 6 week old GG bobwhites. I am in ohio. The temp outside is warming up to about 50 this week but will still be cold at night. At what point can I move them outside?

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