quail coloring


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Skagit County, NW Washington
I recently hatched a batch of coturnix - from a batch of eggs that were just labeled as a 'variety'. I got mostly browns, a few golden, then one mostly white. The white has one nickle sized brown spot on the back of it's head. Since it has some coloring, would it be considered a white (A&M?) or a lightly marked tuxedo?
It would be considered an A&M but I just call them white coturnix. True A&Ms will reach 13-17 ounces, most of what passes for an A&M these days won't even make it close to 12 ounces.
I have an english white chick like that, the guy who sold me the eggs said english whites are smaller than the texas which are jumbo sized birds?
Texas A&M have a pharaoh colored patch usually on top of the head or on back. Unless you purchased them from a reputable source they are usually just a standard sized white quail with A&M markings.

English whites are small birds and don't have any spotting, they are white from head to toe.
It's difficult to identify coturnix colors without there being a breed standard. Hard to have a breed standard when there are so many mutations out there, and more are/will happen as time goes on.

The cots they get in the UK and europe
the silvers especially....

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