Quail feeder that will eliminate food loss!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 13, 2015
Snellville georgia








Pictures of the feeder in the brooder box that has the red lamp is the first made to figure out appropriate size for 1-4 week old quail. Turned out great but added shroud to prevent myself from spilling the food while changing the bedding. The photos of the ones in the coop one which has been used before and one new. Absolute mide blowing to have the reduction in feed loss. Even tarped under the coop to check for loss. Found less than a tablespoon in one week. Assuming this is frim wet beaks, before this feeder i was using nearly 2-3 times the ammount of feed each week. Was so tired of having to just toss feed because of soiling and it being slung out of the traditional feeder. Hope you guys try this out and save mass ammounts on feed!
I like it Richard.... I will likely steal you design in the future!....
I worked with a old friend, Diggerduck, years ago on one made from 2" pipe. It worked well. I hung them from the outside of the pens to save floor space. The only draw back was how to get rid of the dust in the feed the birds would'nt eat. I ran mostly quads at the time and this would hold enough for about three days with no waste. I always thought about using "sanitary tees" instead of the the "90's" with caps so it could be opened up and cleaned easy but never followed up....

I like it Richard.... I will likely steal you design in the future!.... :lau I worked with a old friend, Diggerduck, years ago on one made from 2" pipe. It worked well. I hung them from the outside of the pens to save floor space. The only draw back was how to get rid of the dust in the feed the birds would'nt eat. I ran mostly quads at the time and this would hold enough for about three days with no waste. I always thought about using "sanitary tees" instead of the the "90's" with caps so it could be opened up and cleaned easy but never followed up....
the sanitary tees would be a great improvement! Also maybe a cleanout on the top of the u to prevent anything getting in ie water or random animals. I made a few of mine and sent them out to friends with cleanouts on the top so they can hang them outside the cage. Only reason i dont is because the side walls are solid on my coop. And keep them faced towards primary upwind and downwind areas of the yard. And the whole top of my coop will be fully enclosed with hinged doors. Glad to see others working on issues discovered with keeping quail or any livestock for that matter.
Yes Im familiar with the feeder you feel is "the best ever"..... You have done a good job of self promotion for years now..... .Congrats.....
2 or 3 ha ok... Well congrats on the fact that you are selling yours but i for one am not trying to sell it. But i have looked at your "best ever quail feeder" which would work if it wasnt for the fact i have 2'w X 2'd x 1'h. My birds arent for flight so i designed a feeder that allows minimal access to the cage. I never have to open my actual coop to feed. It fills via hopper and the one in the picture handles more than it ever has at one time because i leave food free choice to keep dominate birds from pigging out at "feeding time" and keeping the lesser birds from feeding. So for my feedig purpose this is "my best ever quail feeder" . Just fyi 1-12" trough handles my brooder that houses in the range of 40-50 birds with one fill every morning. Not a single issue with loss due to food so far. But good luck on selling the feeder, wish you the best. My design would be more costly to sell and make. For my profit margin to be worth my time i would have to sell them roughly around 18-20 for the one shown and more expensive depending on how long the trough. Once the trough goes over i would say 12" it would need a second hopper. Believe me i have thought about doing it but just not lucrative enough for me. but i can always change my mind if people want to purchase them. I would put a little more time and effort into making them more pleasing on the eye however. But you never know may just be a sleeping giant right here. Thanks for the encouragement i think ill design a free sanding feeder now.
Also i have made three that hold 10lbs of feed so there is no limit to how much feed it can hold without waste. The first one has been being used for 2 weeks right now but it has the shrouds over the trough to keep contaminets from getting in the feed.

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