Apr 21, 2020
British Columbia :)
Our male got mauled his left eye looked ripped out :barnie:th:( at first but then after closer examination, I saw his eye lid, so his eye must still be there.šŸ˜Œ his head droops most of the time but I saw him preen, and he can raise his head on his own... if he wants to... he has. He was a little sad looking so i put my gentle docile schoefield silver female with him. the siver has no history of bad behaviour around men. ;) he is now resting in the quail hospital. PEASE HELP :barnie
Yes, keep him warm. You really (if you haven't already) must bring him into the house in a carrier or box, whatever you want to use. He must have a heating pad set on low and covered with a thin blanket or towel. Also make sure he has a place to get off the heat if he wants to. Gently flush the wounds out with saline.
You don't say what the animal that attacked him was, but if you know, it would help to find out because different animals carry different bacterias. Cover the wounds in triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin or the triple antibiotic ointment they sell at the dollar tree or drugstore.
Medicine is the next thing you can do that will have the next biggest impact. Do you have any meloxicam (Metacam, Metaflam, Mobic, etc) ? What about any antibiotics? Have to act fast against infection. Try to get terramycin ointment. It's a little pricey but works better than anything else in my experience. It is literally a lifesaver.
Yes, keep him warm. You really (if you haven't already) must bring him into the house in a carrier or box, whatever you want to use. He must have a heating pad set on low and covered with a thin blanket or towel. Also make sure he has a place to get off the heat if he wants to. Gently flush the wounds out with saline.
You don't say what the animal that attacked him was, but if you know, it would help to find out because different animals carry different bacterias. Cover the wounds in triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin or the triple antibiotic ointment they sell at the dollar tree or drugstore.
Medicine is the next thing you can do that will have the next biggest impact. Do you have any meloxicam (Metacam, Metaflam, Mobic, etc) ? What about any antibiotics? Have to act fast against infection. Try to get terramycin ointment. It's a little pricey but works better than anything else in my experience. It is literally a lifesaver.
the wound is on his eye though @Chickin Out
If no other wounds, clean the eye with eye drops, non- medicated tears. You really need the terramycin ointment in this case. It's an ophthalmic ointment manufactured for treating eye injury/infection. Meloxicam would still be a good idea if you can get it, but you have to have a very tiny dose, 1 drop. You may or may not need the oral antibiotics depending on what attacked him and whether or not you can get the terramycin ointment. Advice about heat and monitoring indoor still applies, especially to eye injuries.

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