Quail or Chicken?

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain,

1. I looked at your link, Can you adopt me?! Please? It is so beautiful there. I would work really hard with the animals all day long!!

2. I see you deal with button quail as well as coturnix, how much smaller are the button quail?


Hi Susan! I could sure use some help!!!
The Buttons are about 1/3 the size of the Coturnix.... I'll see if I can get a photo of them side by side for you.

Out of the three varieties, I like the Coturnix the best. The babies are so sweet and trusting!
Ok... here's my male coturnix (Barney) with one of my Buttons (on the right)
Neither one wanted to sit still for this, so it's a little blurry... sorry.

The Buttons are amazing, but I think the Coturnix is my favorite.

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oh huh. when I hold my hen she fits in my hand like the button.... but maybe that's because she's still a chick? doesn't have all the feathers on her back yet, all pins on her back.

Yep, it's probably because she's still young.

My coturnix chicks were almost as small as the buttons when they were born.

That is a beautiful quail you have. I can bet on it that its a Japanese "Cortunix" Quail. 100% female too! Haha. I raised quails for sometime now and I am very familiar with that breed. They are very docile and easy to handle compared to others like the Valleys and the Gambels even though some of my Valleys and Gambels are so well tamed that they can be handled just fine...

She will give you TONS of eggs come Spring : )

Good luck!!!

- Tommy

PS: Mountain Quails are very rare in San Diego. Avg. pairs are $100 + shipping from other states. I wouldn't recommend buying them locally from this one breeder who usually post them on Craigslist in San Diego for like $250 a pair or somewhere up there, which is absolutely ridiculous! Just don't want you or other folks in San Diego to pay 2x the amount of what they are worth : )

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