
9 Years
Hi all,
I'm splitting my chicken flock and am wanting to get a goose as a 2nd guard goose for my 2nd flock. Having tentatively settled on the Chinese, there are a few questions, namely...

Do they require water for swimming? I know geese need water deep enough to clean their nostrils and swish a bit, but do the Chinese require swimming water?

Do they have special nutritional needs?
My first goose, Henery-etta, is a Toulouse and I was not aware of the orthopedic risk that requires special supplementation and he has a limp that has not resolved in over a year.
What special supplementation would a Chinese need over a quality organic soaked feed I give my chickens and access to greenery for grazing?

Thank you so much, in advance, for you kind help.
They don't require swimming water but they do love a small pool. We give our geese a pool every other day or two and they love it. Otherwise a big bucket will do.

They are weeders and grazers. Mine used to go in the coop run for a chicken feed snack every so often but otherwise it is grass and weeds. We raised the goslings on flock raiser for a few weeks before turning them out to graze.
They don't require swimming water but they do love a small pool. We give our geese a pool every other day or two and they love it. Otherwise a big bucket will do.

They are weeders and grazers. Mine used to go in the coop run for a chicken feed snack every so often but otherwise it is grass and weeds. We raised the goslings on flock raiser for a few weeks before turning them out to graze.
I’ve found my Toulouse likes young grass only for grazing and won’t touch the older grass or broad leaf greens.
This is particularly troublesome during the colder months. He does seem to prefer the chicken feed to older grass or broad leaves.
As you say he does enjoy a pool from time to time .

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