Question about crop


8 Years
Mar 25, 2016
Hi There,
I had a rooster that seemed to have sour crop. Sadly, he didn't pull through. However, I do have a question that could possibly assist me in the future and perhaps help others.

Does a normal crop have pea like bumps or nodules or structures in it? When massaging his crop, I could feel these lumps and was wondering if he had tumors. I was not sure if the tumors came first and caused the sour crop or if the "tumors" were not tumors at all, but normal structures within the crop.
Was it the crop you were feeling or the gizzard? Grit (stones) are held in the gizzard and used to grind food. If it was the crop, he may have recently taken in some that were stillin the crop or had been there a while but were unable to pass them from crop to gizzard. In the future, I would do a quick necropsy if such questions were present so you can see for sure what part of the anatomy is being felt and be certain of what it was.
Hi There,
I had a rooster that seemed to have sour crop. Sadly, he didn't pull through. However, I do have a question that could possibly assist me in the future and perhaps help others.

Does a normal crop have pea like bumps or nodules or structures in it? When massaging his crop, I could feel these lumps and was wondering if he had tumors. I was not sure if the tumors came first and caused the sour crop or if the "tumors" were not tumors at all, but normal structures within the crop.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It would be hard to know what you were feeling. A lot would be dependent on what he had been eating/consuming before you felt the crop. If he had grit, corn/seed/scratch in the crop you could have been feeling that.

You're mention of it being sour...could have been that is was slow or he had an impact somewhere else (gizzard/intestines).

Chickens can get tumors, plaques, lesions and canker as well. These can be found in the inside of the beak, on the tongue, throat, lining of the crop and esophagus so that's always a possibility too (generally these would cause a bad odor on the breath).
Without a necropsy there's no way to really know. Your state lab can perform necropsy or if you are up to it, do one yourself if it happens again. Take photos and we can try to help you with what you see.
I can't really answer your question about the pea like bumps, but wanted to give you a link to this article regarding crop health...there may be some information in there that is helpful to you:

Sorry for your loss.

Oh wow!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this link. It is amazing! I will definitely refer back to it in the future so will definitely save it. Thanks!

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