question about ducks


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Troutman, nc
I have 4 ducklings, I think they are mallards or similar. They are female, Will they be ok without a male. If I get a male will one be enough or will I have to get one for each female. If I only get one male will all the eggs be fertile, or will he pick one mate? Thanks
My understanding is that ducks are mostly monogamous for one year but some of the larger more sedentary breeds can be monogamous for several years. Not sure that they need male ducks to be happy though? I have noticed in our Pekin ducks that we have two male ducks and two females. The males are typically in the lead where ever they go with a female walking behind them. They of course will lay eggs with out the male but I had also heard that ducks typically on breed once a year, not sure that I'd agree with that though. I bet like chickens though they will be just fine without the males.
You don't need a male unles you want fertile eggs and you will only need one drake for the four ducks.

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