Question about heat lamp in coop

Funky Chooks

7 Years
Dec 16, 2012
Portland, Oregon
Hi All!

I have a group of 6 girls who are just my world... so adorable. Anyway, it's starting to get very cold here with lots of snow and below freezing temps even during the day. I would not normally be that concerned as my oldest girls are nearly 9 months old now, but I have two, four month olds who are still getting their new feathers-- but mostly feathered out. So, question-- should I bring in the two juveniles to stay at least at night inside, or should I put a infra-red heat lamp inside the coop? Is there something else I should do, maybe a 75 watt to just clear the chill and slight dampness inside?

These juveniles were recently acquired as rescue birds and are on the mend, but I think are not quite ready for this weather.

I'd love some advice. Thanks!!
PS-- these juveniles are used to a travel cage situation (short term), so I'm leaning toward this solution at least until the cold snap is over, but I'd love to hear what the best solution is from those that know. They are just now integrating into the flock, so I'm torn to keep separating them.
It depends on what breed they are (some are way more hardy than other breeds) and just how cold are you talking?
Hi There!

One is a silkie and one is a Pekin bantam, they are mostly feathered out, but are still not completely done. They've put on weight, but are still pretty small. It's dipping down to about 25F here with snow.

Hope the heat lamp helps. I had two younger gals and I had heat lamp in the coop but they still didnt make it. They were d'Uccles bantams so they was smaller than a large fowl would be at their age.
Hi there!

I didn't say because it seemed like no one was following the thread anyway so I didn't elaborate, but I'm keeping the two youngest indoors inside a roomy travel cage and the older hens are outdoors with the lamp. All seem to be well, but I'm keeping an eye out. :) I figure I've got to give the younger ones more time to feather out properly.

I suppose I'll keep it this way until this cold snap ends.

Thanks for your concern! :)
I forgot to add that I'm sorry to hear about your chicks. :(

We put a 250watt infra-red bulb inside, suspended about 10" from the roof. The radient heat seems to spread quite far and my hens seem to enjoy it. It must have gotten pretty cold where you are.
Hi there!

I didn't say because it seemed like no one was following the thread anyway so I didn't elaborate, but I'm keeping the two youngest indoors inside a roomy travel cage and the older hens are outdoors with the lamp. All seem to be well, but I'm keeping an eye out. :) I figure I've got to give the younger ones more time to feather out properly.

I suppose I'll keep it this way until this cold snap ends.

Thanks for your concern! :)

Glad they are getting the royal treatment. Yes its hard on the little ones this time of year.
let me share my experance with my 4 girls I got them the first sat in Apirl so they are aroudn 10months old i have a doggy door that they ahve learned to use living in vegas this year has been mild but teh last few days we have been cold in the 20 at night and not out of the 30 during the day my girls have chosen not to sleep in there coop but come into the hosue where its warm and put them selfs in there big dog creat. so even though people say there just fine in - weather they do prefure the comfys of beign warm so I say if you can bring them in and it dose nto bother you go for it the chickens like the warm weather compared to being left out side or at least my birds do they dont like anything under 35 they want to be indoors and warm.

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