Question about Kerosene


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
palestine texas
We have central air and heat in our home, electric. We bought a kerosene heater at a garage sale for $15, pretty much because I like to have a heater to back up to. HaHa!

Now my question is......1-k kerosene is recommended and is $39 for 5 gallons at Lowes. The gas station sells kerosene at the pump $4 a gallon. Would it be possible to use the cheaper? Would it damage the heater? Smoke or cause fumes? Blow up?

I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

You will probably find that the kerosene sold at the gas station is in fact also 1-K kerosene. Though it will be dyed, that will not hurt the heater other than color the wick.
Agreed. I loved the keronsene heaters we had back in NC. They are not common here. I can find the heaters in the city, about an hour away, but they'd be of no use without a convenient source of kerosene.
Anyhow, we always bought K1 at the gas station.
That is great news!
Yep... agree with others.

We used a Kerosene heater a lot in the winters when I was growing up as a kid. And we only used Kerosene from the gas station.

The more expensive 1-K/K1 Kerosene sold at stores is cleaner burning (less impurities) and isn't supposed to smoke much when you first start or extinguish the flame. (They all do a little)

The gas station kerosene tends to burn a tad dirtier... as seen as smokey residue that can accumulate on your ceiling after long periods of use.

Be sure to have good ventilation when using indoors!

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I HATE Kerosene heaters, the fumes bother me, dried out throat and makes me sick.

Propane heaters, not a problem! We have several camper heaters if we need to have something to heat up the house or tent for early spring or late fall reenactments.

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