Question about my roosters' behaviors..

Give him time. Also, he might be mating when you are not around. I've never seen my rooster mate but as soon as I'm out of sight I'll hear a hen cackle in surprise. Though the true way to protect your flock from predators is proper fencing and a diligent/honest guard dog.

I am not worried about them at night as much as I am during the day, might sound backwards, but they roost 4.5" up and some even roost up in the barn rafters.. which is about 35' up. All these hens have lived a long life with one RIR being so old she doesn't even lay anymore, all because the roosters have always done their job. I have 4 dogs also which I believe is why I don't have a lot of predators in the barn.. (opossum babies during spring happened once lol). I always take the dogs around the barn to potty and chase anything off.
Is this one also only 5 months old?
You have cockerels, just starting their sexual lives, not roosters.
The BO sounds like a 'good' one....but having 2 males may complicate things further.

I have 1 Australorp cockerel with 3 Australorp hens that I bought all together. They are currently 10 weeks old and caged, but are able to see and chirp to the others around. The hens and my BO rooster who is 5 months old all free range. They are never caged. They come back every time and roost in the barn. I am going to get a few more hens to even out the numbers between the roosters before my cockerel becomes mature and before he injurers my BO.. I just can see already that the Australorp cockerel is a tad more feisty, but still friendly (runs up to me when I give them things). I just like to have 2 roosters.. always have had 2 and a back up is usually needed where I live. I may be 100% wrong but, I think with the age difference between the cockerel and my BO, them having acres to roam, and me buying a few more pullets I think it will pan out.. The cockerel does not act aggressive, but is assertive with his mannerisms.
He is only 5 months old he's still not fully grown, as you can see because of his schrachy cock- a- doodle do, so give him more time

Yeah physically he's bigger then my hens, but has the scratchy crowing and also has NO spurs.. lol which I noticed of course after I had him home. Ok good to know he still has more maturing.. I've never had a BO so I didn't know much about their mannerisms (except they are super friendly) and I didn't know about their maturity rate either.

Thanks again! :)
Give him time. Also, he might be mating when you are not around. I've never seen my rooster mate but as soon as I'm out of sight I'll hear a hen cackle in surprise. Though the true way to protect your flock from predators is proper fencing and a diligent/honest guard dog.
X2 on that one. Some are a bit..... embarrassed...

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