Question About Shipped Turkey Eggs


9 Years
Jan 26, 2011
I just candled the turkey eggs I received in the mail earlier today but then realized that I don't know what they should look like before they have been put in the incubator. Lol. I've read about checking for a detached air sac but I do not see any air sac at all in any of of them. Should there be one?

this is very good question,cause i have wondered the same thing,how does one know ,if it is a fertile egg,or not an how would one know when ya order it threw mail,that when its incubated it will not be a dude
When ordering eggs in the mail when you receive them set them in a egg carton big end up that's the end with the air sack and let set that way for 24 hours before setting them in the Incubator..
It takes time in the Incubator to tell if the eggs are fertile or not the development in the eggs is the best proof of fertility.
I find candling chicken eggs around 10 days Turkey eggs closer to 15 this is what I have done and could plainly see if there was any development.
Not finding an air sack ? unless the shell is dark colored or very thick and cant see any thing any way I have always have seen the air sack.
The shipping of the egg may have done something to the egg I guess check again 24 hrs after you have let them settle.
If I can tell that there is no development in the eggs after so many days I toss them to prevent exploding rotten eggs.
I just went threw my Incubator and found about 1/3 not fertile at 16 days into Incubation.
I candle the eggs the one time and will not open the Incubator again till I need to remove the egg Turner 3 days before there to hatch.

Good Luck.
X2 what Frank said.

Things that can also lead to undeveloped eggs are being held too cold during shipping. X-rays could also do damage.

I only ever candle if I need room in one of my bators or to check before lockdown. For people that are inexperienced with turkey eggs its best to wait at least until day 15. Turkey eggs take a bit longer to show development and it takes experienced eye to see things early.
my turkey has been sitting on her eggs now for like 12 days i decided to candle last night,just to see if i could kinda see any thing,i looked at about 6 out of 18,as my hen sat an looked at me like what are you doing here in the night in my house ,any way most i seen was just like a dark blob,of stuff ,to one side of the egg .as I'm not to sure what i should really be seeing,any way cause I'm new to this whole turkey thing and letting her hatch her own any way,I'm not to sure what i should be looking for and i don't really want to be bugging her as she sits its the first time iv looked so I'm not to sure about development

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