question about smz med 454


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
We treated our chickens and turkey with smz med 454 for 2 days when can we start eating thier eggs again? its killing me to throw them away.
This is the same main ingredient as Sulmet. Many people have used that in the treatment of coccidiosis and coryza for years. It is a sulfa antibiotic drug. Here is the warning about a 10 day meat withdrawal, and most people go by that for eating the eggs (unless you follow the warnings about not eating eggs ever.) Most people feel that if the meat is okay to eat, the eggs are okay, but that is your decision. Here is the link for this warning:


RESIDUE WARNINGS: Do not medicate chickens or turkeys producing eggs for human consumption. To avoid drug residues in edible flesh withdraw medication from chickens and turkeys ten (10) days prior to slaughter for food.
Treated cattle must not be slaughtered for at least ten (10) days after the last dose. Exceeding five (5) consecutive days of treatment may cause violative tissue residue to remain beyond the withdrawal time. Do not use in calves under one (1) month of age or calves being fed an all-milk diet. Use in these classes of calves may cause violative residues to remain beyond the withdrawal time. Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older. Use of sulfamethazine in this class of cattle may cause milk residues.
Withdraw medication from swine fifteen (15) days prior to slaughter for food.
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