Question about year badges

Well, hey treehouse! You're a long-timer and I'm sure as soon as holiday madness settles, you'll get the badge you're long overdue! The membership has grown like gangbusters, so much so, I'm shocked that Rob hasn't had to just hire a dedicated "Badge Patrol"!
Having to input them each manually for literally thousands is quite a chore!

ETA: Um, no, I'm not volunteering.
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Congrats @treehouse , you've got a new 6 year award / badge!!!

@speckledhen is spot-on (as always)... we do have to manually assign the awards, which means taking lists of thousands of members and manually going into each account and removing a previous award and adding a new one. It's SUPER time consuming and we've asking for an automated system for Christmas (3 years ago). :)

Since we can't award every one of the 300,000 members every year, in order to reduce the sheer volume, we do often check for if members have been active over the past 1-3 months and then divvy out awards. If we miss anybody (like yours) we're more than happy to fix as requested.
Absolutely not, in fact, you've got your 7-year badge now! Members just need to have been actively posting on BYC during the date range in which we pull the data (usually the past 3 months). So, if you haven't posted in the past 3 months, there's a possibility we may not get the badge set this go-around.

As I mentioned above: Since we can't award every one of the 300,000 members every year, in order to reduce the sheer volume, we do often check for if members have been active over the past 1-3 months and then divvy out awards. If we miss anybody (like yours) we're more than happy to fix as requested.
Absolutely not, in fact, you've got your 7-year badge now! Members just need to have been actively posting on BYC during the date range in which we pull the data (usually the past 3 months). So, if you haven't posted in the past 3 months, there's a possibility we may not get the badge set this go-around.

As I mentioned above: Since we can't award every one of the 300,000 members every year, in order to reduce the sheer volume, we do often check for if members have been active over the past 1-3 months and then divvy out awards. If we miss anybody (like yours) we're more than happy to fix as requested.

I see I got my badge! I'm a proud BYC'r now like I just laid an egg! Thank you!
Verrry interesting! And here I though I was being ignored for having an avatar of a horse's .......
I'll have to be more active, more often. I do miss seeing the posts of some of the members from the "Old Days", when BYC was still young. Where are you, Davaroo?

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