Question on leaving eggs


5 Years
May 3, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I need some help with a situation I am in;

I have three goose eggs in an incubator that I made, they have been in incubation for 8 days. We candled them on day 5 and from I have been reading, there are doing great!
However, we have to leave town for a couple days and not sure if I should leave them at home safe and sound, or bring them with us???:barnie
If I take them, I am afraid they might not make the trip...between the movements of driving and not having adequate heat, I am worried they will not survive.
However, if I leave them, there is nobody to turn the eggs.

So my question is;
Will the eggs be ok without being turned for a couple days?:idunno
yes they will be fine with out turning

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