Question on re-homing my flock

I'd advise that you go get a really noisy dog instead.

Then when you have to get rid of that, get something ever worse. Keep that up for a while, then bring your chickens home. Neighbors probably won't complain after that.

I was born and raise in Bakersfield. Graduated from EB
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I was thinking of getting several little yipper dogs and seeing how they like that. What bugs me most about the situation is not knowing who complained and why they waited 9 months.

Small world!!! I graduated from Foothill, class of 1992
I'm so sorry this happened to you...I know the neighbors waited about 5 years before they reported us! Still don't know who it was, and everyone that we talked to said they liked them...we certainly did
. We also had 10 days to get rid of them (thankfully some BYC people were able to help us out!) and have been chicken-less for about 2 years now...but can't get away from the board. I'm glad that you will still be able to visit yours!
I suggest you hire a lawyer. If you can't keep chickens, at least you can find out who ratted you out. This game works both ways. I am sure they have something you can pick on.

Report them to Immigration, Child Protective Service, the Health Department, the IRS, Homeland Security, DEA or any agency that will listen to you.

There is a lot of personal satisfaction in seeing that type of neighbor hauled off in the paddy wagon as the local kids cry out for the cops "use the tazer on him."

Are you allowed to have chickens where you live ? If you are then yes I would be VERY upset , if you're not I would still be upset And be relocating them like you are doing .
As far as lawyers and immigration and all that other stuff.....would anyone really want to spend the time , money and emotions that go into that . I wouldn't . There is enough hate , frivilous law suits , and revenge in this world that we don't need to add to . There are always going to be things in life that aren't fair , or make us upset . That doesn't mean we go hire a lawyer or stoop down to that persons level to get back at them . Pick your battles , don't get your feathers all ruffled over every little thing .
Backyardgirl....I'm sorry you have to move them least you can keep them though ! As I said ...sometimes people are so very unhappy with their own lives that they have to find something else to concentrate on . Give your chickies hugs for me and don't worry they will settle in just fine !
I thought I had all my bases covered when I got my chickens. I looked at the city municiple codes online under the animals section. It said that chickens are allowed as long as they are kept confined. So I thought I was safe....

It wasn't until later that I read someone elses post about zoning rules and checked into mine that I found out that you have to have over an acre to keep chickens.

I makes no sense that my neighbor can fire up his Harley at 7am on Sunday or the lady on the next block can have 20 cats

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