Question on Vitamin D


9 Years
Oct 29, 2010
Chickamauga GA
Ok, I have put my Roosters inside the barn for the winter in smaller cages while all of the girls are together in a big coop. Everything is good but I know we need to supplement the Roosters because they won't be getting outside in the sun for the winter months.
I read on here somewhere that theres a light you can buy that will give the vitmain D they need. I can't remember the name of the bulb. Someone said they had bought one at Walmart. Thanks in advance from Georgia!!!
For the light, I would try a pet store.
Most commercial feeds should have sufficient vitamin D because most are formulated for cage birds.
I believe chickens need D3 rather than D2.

Why are the birds inside so early in the winter? Are they not cold hardy or are they big combed?

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