Question regarding pecking order


6 Years
Sep 28, 2014
Des Moines, IA
I've read that pecking order can start as early as when they are baby chicks - if this is true, if you have multiple breeds in one flock does it seem like the largest ones always become highest in the hierarchy? For instance, with the breeds I am receiving the Buff Orpington will be the largest when full grown - does that necessarily mean she'll be hen leader? Just curious what other people have experienced. Thanks!
personality has more to do with it. the largest of my girls are 3 buff brahma, excluding my two olive eggers who seem to be completely outside the pecking order (they dont lord it over anyone but even the roo wont get in their way) the top of the pecking order is two fbcm who take it on themselves to boss everyone around. the fbcm i got were so aggressive that i ate all the males despite wanting to keep one... the females have been tolerable. of course size helps. they tried to establish themselves over the roo when he first showed up and that just didnt turn out for them lol.

Very interesting! That makes sense, so the personalities of the hens makes a difference - if they are more aggressive their "ranking" will probably be higher. Thank you.
I've read that pecking order can start as early as when they are baby chicks - if this is true, if you have multiple breeds in one flock does it seem like the largest ones always become highest in the hierarchy? For instance, with the breeds I am receiving the Buff Orpington will be the largest when full grown - does that necessarily mean she'll be hen leader? Just curious what other people have experienced. Thanks!

No way a lot of my small hens are more higher then the bigger ones like Plymouth Rocks and Sussexs and my little bantams still stay on top.
But being bigger will help when fighting.

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