Question regarding Toulouse in winter

Lisa in NH

6 Years
Dec 13, 2013
Swanzey, NH
My first year with geese...I got goslings this spring and they've always had access to a 3 sided shed...I keep their food there and they have no problem going in to eat but they prefer to sleep outside along the fence...with winter here I'm worried, as they are still sleeping outside....will they be okay or should I be locking them in?


Indian Brook Farm
Swanzey, NH
At night time I lock all my geese and one duck up. There are too many predators out there year round that can get and kill the birds. So in the evening right before it gets dark put all the birds up for the night.

It is up to you on what to do but I would make sure the birds were put in a pen that predators can not get into...
They are inside a fence, but they don't sleep inside the shed but instead along side the fence in the snow...I did put out some hay but it's now covered in snow.
Indian Brook Farm
Swanzey, NH
If you want them in at night you need to feed them in the shed so they know food is in there. You have to train geese to do things you want them to. Just show them where you are going with the food. If they do not come get someone to help you herd them in the shed.
The fence is not going to keep predators out from getting and eating the geese if they get to them.
I will tell you the hard way to learn is at the expense of a gooses life. Better to be safe than sorry.

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