Questions about Brahmas and Black Sex Links

Justanother Brooke

8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Goldendale, WA
Hello -
A lady here in my town has a whole bunch of 1 year old laying hens for sale, for $4 each!! I am working on getting a diverse flock, as far as breeds and colors go.
She has Black Sex Links, Buff Brahmas, Gold Sex Links, and Buff Orpingtons. I already have an Orp and a (I think) Gold Sexlink, so I was thinking about getting a Brahma and a Black Sexlink from her.
How are their personalities? Do they get along well with other chickens? Are they fairly cold and heat hardy? Are Brahmas decent egg layers?
I have a light Brahama that came in into my flock as an older hen..she is sweet, docile and has the best personality! I housed her with my RIR and Australorp...she was the only one that got along with everyone...was never picked on and never picked on anyone...they are a good breed IMO!
If the hens have been housed together happily then they should be fine. I have Brahma hens that lay everyday and a few that lay every other day!The real bonus is that they tend to lay year round! I LOVE my Light Brahmas and that is a great price! If I was close I would buy them!
I have light brahma hens and a buff brahma roo..LOVE my brahmas! My roo, Chuck Norris, can be testy at times but the girls are sooo sweet! I can pet them and they don't run away..Chuck Norris, on the other hand, would most likely give you a bite & karate chop.

I also have black sex-link hens and they all get along.
Definitely get the Brahmas
My Brahmas were awesome, docile, and beautiful birds.
I am just waiting for this lady to email me back., She said she had 3 Black Sexlinks, 3 Golden Sexlinks, 3 Buff Orps, and 3 Buff Brahmas, plus a Light Brahma Rooster. I am SO hoping she still has some Blacks and Brahmas left! She just posted the craigslist add yesterday, plus we live in a TINY town!

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