Questions concerning lockdown and humidity

My husband said this morning " I think it is kinda sad that they don't have a mom to be in there with them, you need to let the hens do this"
I would, but none of my hens have been broody, and the one that was last year disappeared. I find it sad too, but the chick that hatched will talk to me and look up through the windows at me. He came to the corner I was talking to him from, which that is where the other chicks are hatching too. I am going to find a little stuffed animal for next incubation that they can cuddle with while waiting for others to hatch.

We are both exhausted from the last few nights of me getting up and down to check on the incubator temp.
Another chick out as of 9:45! So amazing, I seen this one come out of the shell... They both look amerucana.
. I am on day 20 hatching faverolles chicks. How many eggs are you hatching?
I started with 16 of my own chicken eggs. A mix batch eggs of amerucan, Orphingtons, RIR, and barred rocks (hens) and an amerucana rooster, and one of his roosters from last spring an amerucan/black bantam cochin. I had 2 early deaths. So I have 14 eggs in there now. They were also a staggered hatch, 3 days in a row. I went into "lockdown" Friday. As of now I have 2 chicks, which look amerucana,and 10 eggs externally piped. I am so excited. This is my first time and would have never guessed I would have this many!
I had temp flux but nothing to dangerous. Still air LG.
I started with 16    of my own chicken eggs. A mix batch eggs of amerucan, Orphingtons, RIR, and barred rocks (hens) and an amerucana rooster, and one of his roosters from last spring an amerucan/black bantam cochin. I had 2 early deaths. So I have 14 eggs in there now. They were also a staggered hatch, 3 days in a row. I went into "lockdown" Friday. As of now I have 2 chicks, which look amerucana,and 10 eggs externally piped. I am so excited. This is my first time and would have never guessed I would have this many!
I had temp flux but nothing to dangerous. Still air LG.

The great!! I hope they all hatch!! :fl
Any update on how your hatch is going?
As of this morning I have 8 hatched, with the last 3 on day 21 today and hatching. One looked kinda weird, so I pulled some shell back and it has a deformed beak, looks like scissors. I have him wrapped in a wet paper towel right now because I can see he isn't ready to hatch. I did pull shell away from him, leaving his membrane intacked. I hope he can hatch himself, and I am going to try and fix his beak. If not I hope he can survive by himself, if not we will have to cull him, something I really don't want to do.... :(

Out of the 14 eggs I had left, only 3 eggs died. I did candle and I can't see anything that looks like a form of life in there. I am going to give them until tomorrow because my hatch should be done by this evening, and than I will pull the plug...

Also one that hatched this morning had little black ball looking things in his feathers.... Do you know what that is?? He is alive and well
Make that 9! With one more breaking out. Only leaves more poor lil chick with the deformed beak. Not bad I think for my first hatch 11 hatches out of 14 eggs!
Thats a great hatch rate. Congratulations! You did great.
The chick with the crooked beak sounds like it has scissor beak. It is genetic. I would cull that one. It doesn't happen much but it does happen. I would bet that it is part Ameraucana. They are known for that.
Good luck with them. :)
Thats a great hatch rate. Congratulations! You did great.
The chick with the crooked beak sounds like it has scissor beak. It is genetic. I would cull that one. It doesn't happen much but it does happen. I would bet that it is part Ameraucana. They are known for that.
Good luck with them.
Yeah now that scissor beak's head is sticking out I also he has no eye on the left side... I am so sad about it. I am just glad to hear that it is genetic and not something I did. And yes, he is ameraucana (hen ameraucana and rooster is an ameraucana/bantam cochin mix) He is doing really good right now and think I am going to give him a chance, even if that means me taking care of him. I helped him hatch and when he fully came out by himself he hatched in my hand. Now he wants to be with me. I can't help that I can't kill him, but if things start going down hill, I will

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