Questions on DE.. Help Please!


12 Years
Jul 11, 2007
Riegelsville, Pa
Hi Everyone! I finally ordered my first batch of DE! It should be here any day now. I have read tons of information on how great it is on this website, but now that I am getting it, I have some direct questions about it.

1.) I can mix it in my chicken food right? If so how much? How often? If I am feeding it to my flock, how do I estimate how much is enough so they all get some?

2.) I have other animals on my farm including ducks, geese, goats, rabbits, dogs, and cats. I can mix it in there food as well?
Since there are groups of each animal how do i know they all will get enough of it?

3.) How do I use it through out my barn yard? Do i just sprinkle it around where I have the fly problems?

4.) Using it in my chicken coup and rabbit coups to keep flys away, how to use it? Do i just sprinkle in the couple? Should I make sure the animals are out of the coup before I sprinkle it around?

5.) I should use gloves, mask, and eye protection when using this correct?

6.) Is there a better time of time to use it? Morning? Afternoon? Night? Does it matter?

7.) Have anyone had any problems using DE that I should keep an eye out for?

Any information everyone can give me would be greatly appriciate. I just want to make sure I do this right and dont hurt animals in the process.

How much DE do u use?
I use Sweet PDZ for fly control mixed with some DE to control ants and other insects. I use a hand crank lawn spreader. I feed my dogs and chickens DE usually the evening meal. I have 19 chickens so I will mix in a 1 or 2 tablespoons with their feed and I will sprinkle it over the dog’s food. I have used it myself and never experience any adverse reaction; I don't use gloves or a respirator when applying it but use caution and common sense.
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DE should be fed at 2% of the feed intake. I mix a 1 lb coffee can full into a 50 lb bag of chicken food. Mix it in and feed it everyday. With dogs I put 1 Tablespoon on their dry food and mix it around. It is good for any animal some people take to daily as a mineral supplement.

I Put the DE in an empty Dishwashing Soap container and squeez it out in the bedding and in the nesting box. I also use this method to dust the birds.

The only thing I would not recommend is putting it in the bedding of your brooder. It make the dust unbearable. I also noticed the chicks had pretty dry skin.

DE is a drying agent so it will help dry out droppings in the coop and reduce the fly problems but don't go overboard it is very dusty and digging in it can cause extra dust for the birds that is probably not good for them to breath.
Here is some info I may help


Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the remains of microscopic one-celled plants (phytoplankton) called diatoms that lived in the oceans and lakes that once covered the western part of the US and other parts of the world. These deposits are mined from underwater beds or from ancient dried lake bottoms.

Diatomaceous earth is mined, milled, and processed into a myriad of types for a large variety of uses. Filtering and filler are two main uses but diatomaceous earth also ends up in paints, cosmetics, drugs, chemical insecticides, etc. Because the milling produces different sized and shaped particles, it is important not to use the filtering type for agricultural purposes.

Pool filter grade diatomaceous earth has been heat and chemically treated and will poison an animal or human who ingests it, so it is always of utmost importance to only obtain food grade diatomaceous earth to use in and around your household.

Diatoms (DE) are the grass of the oceans and lakes. Just as grass is the staple food of earth animals. Diatoms (algae) are the food of the ocean or fresh water grazers. Magnified 7000x, diatomaceous earth looks like spiney honeycombs.

INTERNAL PARASITE CONTROL: Food grade diatomaceous earth makes a very effective natural insecticide. The insecticidal quality of diatomaceous earth is due to the razor sharp edges of the diatom remains. When diatomaceous earth comes in contact with the insects, the sharp edges lacerate the bugs waxy exoskeleton and then the powdery diatomaceous earth absorbs the body fluids causing death from dehydration.

Food grade diatomaceous earth has been used for many years as a natural wormer for livestock. Some believe diatomaceous earth scratches and dehydrates parasites. Some scientists believe that diatomaceous earth is a de-ionizer or de-energizer of worms or parasites. Regardless, people report definite control.

Food grade diatomaceous earth works in a purely physical/mechanical manner, not ‘chemical’ and thus has no chemical toxicity. Best yet, parasites don’t build up a tolerance/immunity to its chemical reaction, so rotation of wormers unnecessary.

*CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS OF FEEDING CODEX FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH TO DOGS, O.C. Collins, DVM, Midland Animal Clinic And Hospital, Midland, TX:“In clinical observations of feeding dogs over 35 lbs. 1 tbsp./day and under 35 lbs. 1 tsp./day of DE, within seven days all ova disappeared from stools. DE controlled Ascardis (Toxacara canids), Hookworms (Anclyostoma caninum), and Whipworms (Trichuris vulipis).”

*RESULTS ON FEEDING CODEX FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH TO WALKING HORSE, L. Thomas, Trainer, L. Frank Roper Stables, Winter Garden, FL: “With horses fed approximately 5 oz. of DE mixed in the feed twice daily, the following results were observed: Stopped scours even on horses that had not responded to any other medications. Noticeable fly reduction. Horses showed an increase in appetites. Weight gain due to better feed conversion. Reduction in manure odor. Elimination of any internal parasites. Healthier appearance.

Daily recommended food grade diatomaceous earth feeding rates:

Kittens - 1/2 teaspoon
Cats - 1 teaspoon
Puppies - 1/2 to 1 tsp.
Dogs under 35 lbs. - 1 teaspoon
Dogs over 35 lbs. - 1 tablespoon
Dogs over 100 lbs. - 2 tablespoons
Cattle, Dairy Cows, & Hogs - 2% of dry feed ration
Chickens - 5% in feed
Goats & Sheep - 2% in grain
Horses - 1/2 to 1 cup in daily ration
*Humans - 1 heaping tablespoon daily

Internal feeding of food grade diatomaceous earth also helps eliminate most internal worms, though possibly not all. It’s also excellent when fed daily to keep down fly loads, since food grade diatomaceous earth is eliminated from the body, exactly the way it went in, it helps reduce the manure odor and kills flies that come in contact with it.

Mix in animal feed or grain and/or feed free choice.

EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS FOR LIVESTOCK, BARNS, COOPS, KENNELS, & LITTER BOXES: Use DE throughout the barn, fowl coops, and pastures. When mucking the barn and coops, lightly, but thoroughly sprinkle diatomaceous earth absolutely everywhere! It keeps the barn “cleansed” and dry. In between barn mucking, sprinkle diatomaceous earth on wet spots to help dry them out and keep flies from laying eggs.

Food grade diatomaceous earth is excellent in fowl coops – on the ground, in nesting/dusting boxes to prevent lice and mites. Sprinkle directly on fowl feathers to eliminate mites and lice that alrady exist. One application of diatomaceous earth has their feathers growing back quickly.

Food grade diatomaceous earth applied to manure piles keeps fly loads down/eliminated.

Dairy cow owners put food grade diatomaceous earth in burlap bags, so cows can rub against it and sprinkle themselves with DE, which helps to eliminate flies, that land on them, as well as lice and mites.

Apply to moist kennel areas to reduce odors, dry the area, and prevent pest breeding.

A small amount of food grade DE applied to livestock waterers keeps algae from growing on hot summer days.

Food grade diatomaceous earth is great for compost piles, to prevent breeding pests and control odors.

OUTDOOR BUGS AFFECTED BY DIATOMACEOUS EARTH: Ants, fire ants, caterpillars, cut worms, army worms, fleas, ticks, cockroaches, snails, spiders, termites, scorpions, silver fish, lice, mites, flies, centipedes, earwigs, slugs, aphids, Japanese beetles (grub stage), fruit flies, corn earworm, cucumber beetles, corn borer, sting bugs, squash vine borers, thrips, loopers, etc., etc.

MINERALIZATION: Natural food grade diatomaceous earth contains 15 trace minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc iron, phosphorous, selenium, etc. People note shinier coats, better overall health, better production, etc. in their animals who are fed food grade diatomaceous earth regularly.

• Do NOT get diatomaceous earth in the eyes. DE is drying to the eyes, so do NOT put it out when you or your pets are down wind of it. DE is drying to your skin, hands, and feet, just as it can be to your pets.

• NEVER use pool filter grade DE around animals. It can poison or kill them.

• Remember, DE will kill beneficial insects as well, so use accordingly.

You should be able to find it at a local feed store or on-line.
1.) I can mix it in my chicken food right? If so how much? How often? If I am feeding it to my flock, how do I estimate how much is enough so they all get some?

in the feed...2% by weight. Now I free range and my chickens hardly eat feed and so I wasn't seeing the benefits. So now I mix it with their treats (my leftovers). I aim for 1tsp per chicken...that's the goal anyway

2.) I have other animals on my farm including ducks, geese, goats, rabbits, dogs, and cats. I can mix it in there food as well?
Since there are groups of each animal how do i know they all will get enough of it?

If you do the 2% by weight of feed (which is what is recommended) you should be fine. My cats get 1tsp with wet food at night (it's how I get them to come home!) and dogs get 1 TBsp with dinner. I've heard long time users will start DE from very early on with their animals and eventually just put it out free choice (dogs, cats, horses, cows, goats)....I haven't gotten to that point-but I'm curious about it.

3.) How do I use it through out my barn yard? Do i just sprinkle it around where I have the fly problems?

Yup- My sister gave me a flour sifter just for DE...she found that it spread it nicely. I put it in my coop, in the nest boxes, and the favorite dusting areas...and for the other animals I'd add any favorite resting areas. I use Sweet PDZ when I run out (Ihave to order it online)...It helps keep the coop dry and fly free also...but I prefer DE as it does more. What you'll find is that by feeding all your animals DE....the fly problem will go down just doing that. If you then also use DE where there are any wet poops or other fly attracting'll have even fewer.

4.) Using it in my chicken coup and rabbit coups to keep flys away, how to use it? Do i just sprinkle in the couple? Should I make sure the animals are out of the coup before I sprinkle it around?

I just do it when the animals are there. But I don't make a big production out of it. It's great for flea/mite/tick control also.

5.) I should use gloves, mask, and eye protection when using this correct?
I use nothing...but just like all really dusty should at least use a dust mask. Gloves if you does dry them out.

6.) Is there a better time of time to use it? Morning? Afternoon? Night? Does it matter?
It's ineffective when wet... but becomes effective when it dries a matter of fact you can put it in water in a sprayer and pray wood with it if you want! So, I'd just make sure it's not dewey, foggy, or rainy.

7.) Have anyone had any problems using DE that I should keep an eye out for?

I've heard of ONE person who had crop problems after giving DE (too dry). Not sure if it was DE or multiple things. I've had nothing but good results since I added it to my animals diets. It wasn't working for worms for me on the chickens until I realized they were'nt getting enough since they freeranged and weren't eating feed!

Any information everyone can give me would be greatly appriciate. I just want to make sure I do this right and dont hurt animals in the process.

How much DE do u use?
I use 1TBSP for me!

Good luck!
I'm going to start using this and need to find these pointers fast so I posted here. I was looking for a local source, any help out there?

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